福岡のレコーディング、リハーサル音楽スタジオ 「音楽堂PLUM」


お問い合わせ (福岡のスタジオ 音楽堂PLUM)

音楽堂PLUM 〒818-0114




12:00-24:00 ※完全予約制









福岡・太宰府の音楽スタジオ   音楽堂PLUM

福岡の映像スタジオ LOOP HAKATA (福岡)
福岡のスタジオ 音楽堂PLUM

【配信スタート】Ei Sa Da New EP『印』✨




Ei Sa Da New EP『印』




Mastered by OngakudoPLUM









Well after 3 years on slowburn it’s finally out! This EP is tied very closely to my interest in space and the cover depicts me conducting some kind of atmospheric experiments on the surface of some other planetary body, perhaps Mars. Originally wanting to release this back in March/April, I opted to delay when the world irrevocably shifted gears. With the NASA launch of the new rover PERSEVERANCE at the end of July, and with space being a major theme of this release - the 30th-31st of July felt like the right time. The cover concept came from one of my dad’s old postage stamps (see 3rd image): a 1960s collection on the Australian Antarctic Territory. One particular image stood out to me even as a child: that of a scientist conducting analysis while battling the natural elements. I guess I wanted to recreate this but with a mars dust-storm instead of on the ice. The title of this EP is 印 and I liked the way languages overlap in unexpected ways. For English speakers the symbol basically resembles ‘EP’ and so for English speakers that becomes the title. For Japanese speakers, 印 is instead pronounced ‘in’ and means ‘sign’ or ‘stamp’ and returns back to the whole idea of the concept originating from a postage stamp. This being my 1st EP, I guess it is also my ‘sign’, my signature of songs, so the title works in that sense too. Added to this, after being ‘out’ of the music releasing world for so many years, to now have released a collection of tracks - I do sort of feel like, in a way, I’m ‘in’ now instead of just an outsider watching others write great songs. So again the title works. So if you read this far, then I thank you heartily! It’s Release weekend🎉!!! I hope you enjoy EP1! https://eisada.hearnow.com Warmest Regards, Amos #印 #eisada #debutep #ep #福岡 #adelaide #mars #homerecording

✨Ei Sa Da✨(@ei.sa.da)がシェアした投稿 -





福岡のスタジオ 音楽堂PLUM